2024 Techo Kaigi: A Detailed Breakdown of the Everyday Carry (EDC)

I had a couple of extra free days, so I thought I would write a little blog post about my everyday carry! As a person who loves planners, stationery, stickers and fountain pens, what I use for the entire year needs to really function (wow, needs to?) and I wanted to kind of dump all of my extensive thoughts on what I carry every day here.

OH. And it also helps with my writing a lot, so if you were interested in that, I talk about it too! Also, I have this system (wow system?) with my writing that’s changed a lot since I started writing almost ten years ago, so maybe something like that?


I bought this notebook in April 2023, because the gold on the original Taiwan Beer edition I was using was—gasp—flaking off and I was dying! So the Ace Hotel edition it is. Right now the notebook houses:

  • Horizontal Weekly: Still using this! It’s been a fun way to keep track of weekly tasks, and use all my stickers. I’ve been using this format since 2017, and really don’t have a need to switch it around at the moment.

  • DIY Clear Folder: TRC’s clear folders are really weird to me. Like the function doesn’t super make sense to me. So I took inspiration from this Job’s Journal video and cut one of my folders open to make an envelope using a cutter + tape. It’s been kind of a game changer, being able to put all my loose things in it and let it lay flat.

  • (currently) TRC Lightweight Notebook: I don’t remember why I bought this but it’s been…interesting. The lightweight pages remind me of Tomoe River Paper, but less fragile. And it’s been functioning, but it’s not my favorite! Been using it for notes, figuring out crochet patterns, swatching inks and lots and lots of writing.

I used to carry around a sticker book too, but then it was too bulky for me after! Wag na haha.


I was so sure that I wasn’t going to get the passport insert in my lifetime. The size was smaller than an A6, which I already found tiny, and I knew it was just going to get lost in my bag. UNTIL some genius on Youtube (I watched so many videos I can’t remember who mentioned it first) said that you could use it as a wallet. Patay.

So yeah, I bought a few inserts and then switched out my TRC Records for an Olive. And I’ve really enjoyed it! suddenly my wallet is small and compact, but carries a lot.

  • Clear folder: Stores receipts and other Magdamag things. The clear folder is better on the Passport because things don’t slide out.

  • TRC B Sides and Rarities Cotton Zip Case: Holds all my money! Bills on one side, coinz in the zippered case. So simple. Who knew.

  • Muji Passport Grid Insert: This one’s fun! I started doing this thing where I sketch a little layout and food sketch when I visit a new restaurant. It’s been an interesting experiment in using my inks and practicing my food drawing, and I really enjoy it!

  • Clear Zip Case: Houses IDs and cards. Very tita, and also very handy.

And that’s it! The things I have with me every day, fulfilling both important and not important needs. And I’m sure it will work well to the end of 2024!

Carla de GuzmanComment