DIY Succulent Planter!

It seems silly not to acknowledge what’s going on outside in the world. But I already know and you already know that staying at home, keeping our immune systems up, keeping clean and doing everything we can to keep ourselves (and other people!) healthy is the best thing we can do.

And until then, distraction! My mom’s been cultivating a little garden outside our house, and it’s a really nice, calm place to be. She had a lot of succulents lying around, and I had an old plastic skincare tub lying around, so I thought I would bring a bit of her garden into our room. :)

Just in case you’re actually here for the steps (why?):

Step One: Ask your little brother to drill holes into the base of the plastic jar for drainage.

Discover that your brother actually has a drill lying around. The more you know!

Step Two: Ask your mother what else you’re supposed to put in the planter.

Her answer, by the way, was soil enhancer, potting mix and more soil. All of which were lying around in her garden.

Step Three: Make a mess on your desk!!

So…yeah. I totally overestimated how big the succulent was in the plastic, and I needed to remove some of the soil, loosen up the roots a little. I used a plastic bag I had lying around to catch the soil.

Step Four: Wash hands after!!!

The MOST IMPORTANT step! Also, accidentally record it in slow motion. Bong Joon Ho, I am not.

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